Posts Tagged ‘pearl jam’

schadenfreude – breakerfall… only love, can break ‘er fall….

May 5, 2010

delighting in others’ misfortunes. that’s what it means.

i can tell you that i’m feeling this right now. feeling it by the truckloads. it’s not that i’m being mean. but all this considered. i’m glad i’m feeling it.

after getting the shaft emotionally and being left a nervous wreck. i really deserved this quick moment on a lounge settee with glass of whiskey and a cigar in hand (just the visual only). i’m relishing this, really.

why shouldn’t i?


Protected: there she… goes, there she… goes, again…

March 22, 2010

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November 20, 2009

this is waaay overdue. i was supposed to get down to writing up my report on the pearl jam perth gig by monday but i fucked up. so, on my behalf, i’m terribly sorry about the delay. i haven’t got any real good photos or sounds from the gig but i’ll tell you this. it was amazing.

the tour poster for perth


given to fly – 20-10-2009

November 18, 2009

i was prattling on with shan and kenny at the hawker shop in Ipoh over lunch about my new found lust for life and about growing up with a  loved one…(here and here). in this case, pearl jam. this new found push to the fold may be timid or insignificantly tame, but i’ll take what i can get.



October 17, 2009

this is a dream come true for me…. they’re coming… and there going to be lots of lager!!! check out the gig flyer below:-

official flyer - grabbed from ricecooker

official flyer - grabbed from ricecooker

[UPDATED] with video!!!


why it pays to be in a crowd…

October 12, 2009

I’ve been dying to put out a post n some of my favourite pearl jam “covers” / collaborations that really get me going in the morning.  i tend to forget with the workload. but since i’ve been on a roll here, i thought i’d make a run for it.  in no particular preference, here we go…


growing up with a loved one (part 2) [UPDATED]

October 4, 2009

[UPDATED] 7-10-2009 – finally Rock Corner called me back at about 4.03 p.m. to let me know that the album is in da muthafuckin’ house….boo yah!!


September 20th came and went. it was already the 4th of October. I’m kind of pissed. straight off the bat. The new pearl jam backspacer album is still not out yet. I think the top management at universal music group in Malaysia ought to get fired. does it really take this long for an album to be released…?! because of miscreants like these, music lovers continue to exercise their right to reject old media, tht means YOU, UMG! by finding ways not to pay you to listen to good music. continuous fucking up like this is bad for business… your own business, so why shoot your own feet?
